Solutions DGR

How donated goods are processed from the back door to the floor has the greatest effect on your revenue.

Solutions DGR Production gives you the tools and insights you need to maximize that revenue and move goods quickly, efficiently, and intelligently.

Solutions DGR takes advantage of DGR-optimized barcoding and our own powerful reporting dashboard to give you access to exact, real-time performance indicators that will reveal just how efficient and profitable your production team is at any given store on any given day.


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employee using a point of sale system

Solutions DGR gives you access to the data you need to price goods consistently and accurately to ensure that your processing team is putting more revenue on the floor from day one.

Barcoding Designed for DGR

Donated Goods Retail has never been able to approach inventory management with the level of precision and efficiency that Solutions DGR offers. We developed this system with the idea that each donated good brought into the store is a unique item and should have a unique identifier.

We use our DGR barcoding system to track every good that comes through the back door. With that data in your hands, you have the ability to view the smallest inner-workings of your organization and optimize to maximize revenue.

If you’re not using DGR barcoding in your organization. These are the benefits you’re missing:

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Truly valuable data insights

Your top processor may put $4000 per day on the floor, but how much of that is sold by day two, week one, week two? How much is sold at discount? Without the ability to track individual goods, you will never know the true value of that processor’s work.
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Locks in pricing at the back door and at the register

Accurately pricing goods shouldn’t be the job of an individual processor. Indeed, with the data we collect, Solutions DGR can tell each one of your processors exactly how to price any good so that it sells quickly and for top dollar. At the register, pricing is locked and any store discounts are pre-applied.

Barcoding Isn’t a Bottleneck

The ROI for Solutions DGR is immediately apparent. Our system increases average sales by giving you more accurate pricing and eliminating the inefficiencies that cost you money at the register.

Solutions DGR Production is fast, efficient, and easy to learn. We put it to the test every year at the Goodwill Summer Conference.

The Results Speak for Themselves

Inventory Management

Tracking, analyzing, and forecasting inventory is the key to effective retail management.

Solutions DGR Production, combined with Point of Sale, offers a comprehensive inventory management system specifically designed for Goodwills so you can accurately track donated goods — not just new goods — from back door to final sale across every single store in your organization.

Solutions DGR provides complete inventory usability. Your full inventory is optimized for selling — right location, right price, right tag.

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It’s no longer a “men’s shirt” among hundreds. It’s a size XL shirt from Old Navy. It was processed by Mary on October 6th and it’s been sitting on the rack for 13 days. Of the $4200 that Mary priced that day, $425 was men’s clothing and 55% of those items have sold. By running a simple report, you can see that Mary’s store doesn’t sell many men’s XL shirts, but the Goodwill across town sells them in an average of 3 days. That’s the power of inventory management with Solutions DGR Production.
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Point of Sale

Solutions DGR Point of Sale is able to navigate sales, returns, discounts, and loss prevention with ease because every barcode represents an inventory of a single, specific donated good. The power to make the connection between Production and Point of Sale is what makes Solutions DGR a truly revolutionary leap forward for our Goodwill partners.

Ready to get started?

Every Goodwill organization is different. Solutions DGR is designed to serve and meet the specific needs of your organization.

Our mission is to assist you in accomplishing your mission to the fullest.